Remember that horrible slogan that seemed to be everywhere on campus last semester??? Well, if not, here's a little refresher and an update on the $70 million Student Recreation & Wellness Center…
On Feb. 27th & 28th there was a campus wide vote in which a mere 2,921 students voted to determine the fate of this facility. According to Michelle Silva, Chair of the USU BOT, 74.7% of those that voted were in favor to build a Student Recreation & Wellness center on campus (despite tuition increase for future generations). The USU has contracted with the Los Angeles-based architecture firm, Cannon Design, to design a center that our students want and to make it unique to our campus. The building design should be available by the end the Fall 07 semester and construction is expected to begin around July 2009.
If you’re curious what the rec center has to do with the USU, then you should know the rec center is basically a part of the union: it will be run by the USU and overseen by the USU BOT.
Rec Center = higher tuition ($110 per semester once the center opens) and less parking. Good thing I won’t be around for it!